Linus Torvalds writes: (Summary) wrote:
Fair enough - you do want to have the distinction between "marked" and "unmarked".
And it does make sense, although at that point I think you do hit the "what can a compiler do" issue more. Things like "READ_ONCE()" vs "smp_read_acquire()" are still fairly simple from a compiler standpoint, at least when it comes to control flow - they have "side effects". That sounds much more complex to the checker than the existing things it supports, no?
things it supports, no?
might look like this:Fair enough - you do want to have the distinction between "marked" and "unmarked".
And it does make sense, although at that point I think you do hit the "what can a compiler do" issue more. Things like "READ_ONCE()" vs "smp_read_acquire()" are still fairly simple from a compiler standpoint, at least when it comes to control flow - they have "side effects". That sounds much more complex to the checker than the existing things it supports, no?
things it supports, no?